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A-Z Faculty

Carvill, Gemma L

Carvill, Gemma L

Assistant Professor, Neurology (Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology), Pharmacology, Pediatrics

Castro-Caballero, Yessenia

Castro-Caballero, Yessenia

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Hospital-Based Medicine)

Cedeno, Christina C

Cedeno, Christina C

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Community Based Primary Care)

Cella, David

Cella, David

Professor, Medical Social Sciences (Outcome and Measurement Science), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics), Preventive Medicine (Biostatistics and Informatics), Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Certo, Michael V

Certo, Michael V

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Palliative Care)

Cha-Kim, Jenny H

Cha-Kim, Jenny H

Clinical Instructor, Pediatrics (Community Based Primary Care)

Chadwick, Ellen Gould

Chadwick, Ellen Gould

Professor, Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases)

Chalazan, Brandon LW

Chalazan, Brandon LW

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Genetics, Genomics, and Metabolism), Pharmacology

Chamlin, Sarah L

Chamlin, Sarah L

Professor, Pediatrics (Dermatology), Dermatology

Chandler, Stephanie F

Chandler, Stephanie F

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Cardiology)

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